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Get positive advice on life.

Relationships might be challenging, but they are a part of our life. Get positive advice on how to better yourself to get what you want. Learn how to speak love into your life using positive words. It is time to move away from pain and hurt and focus all your energy on love, understanding, and a better life.


I have written many books on hurt, pain, and overcoming a broken heart. For many years my coaching practices were for you to focus on what kept you stuck and why. In 2023 I now only base my coaching around healing through speaking positively and not bringing up negative feelings. I never liked being in a low frequency, so now, in a more healing way, I focus on thinking and talking positively. If you can speak it, you can become it. 


So, you are not ready to talk about positive things and only want to focus on negative ways of thinking or how someone may be treating you. In this case, my advice and coaching are not for you. We become the upbeat version of ourselves with a solid spiritual focus through positive thoughts and actions. Let's start if you are ready to focus only on the positive. Together we will see, speak and think our way into the life and world we want for our loved ones.


My new coaching style can only help some because people like to focus on negative behaviors, thoughts, and actions. Thinking positively and loving others can only raise your frequency, allowing you to leave low-frequency situations and people who can not get past the negative things, events, and or people in their life behind.


It does not matter what others think of you. Always stay positive during difficult times. Weak, sad, and negative people want to bring out the worst in others. You know you are growing when you are positive during attacks. When people can not be you, they attack you. Stop allowing fear, manipulation, and control into your life from other people who live in low frequency. Change your way of thinking, speaking, and behaving with a positive coaching session today.


"You are loved and can achieve anything because you see beauty in everything." by Johanna Sparrow.


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Phone: 830- 344-7253 to schedule a session

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Author Johanna Sparrow 
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