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"Bruised Hearts: Learing to Forgive Others" Review
—Amazon Customer on October 28, 2017
"This book is absolutely amazing! I'm so glad to have added it to my reading collection. Not only is it very informative and can be applied to any conflict or situation, but it provides clear and practical action steps to implement once those situations arise. It's also helpful with making everyone aware of individual changes that must be made, such as readjusting your thinking and behavioral patterns, to essentially move forward stress- free. Sparrow's work is thought provoking, energizing, and absolutely inspiring!! Highly recommended!"
"Don't Tell The Milkman if You Don't Want Him to Tell the World" Review
— Amazon Customer on January 25, 2016, Format: Kindle Edition
This book is a MUST HAVE for anyone that has or has had a commitment phobe in their life. There are A LOT more of them out there than I had ever realized. And the books for help and support on the subject seem to be lacking. This book fills a crucial void. Johanna speaks "their" language and will help translate their words and actions for you into something that you can understand."
"Helen Scars: A Memoir About Abuse and Prostitution" Review
—Amazon Review by Janique Davalie on August 22, 2017
"I'm the epitome of a book worm and this was definitely on my list of Fall must-reads. Her writing for this piece is a perfect blend of confessional storytelling encompassing a broad view on the mechanics of the struggles and experiences of many women (especially in America) that go unmentioned. I found myself several hours after starting the book, devouring the entire thing because I could not stop reading it. I just needed more of her story; however, not with the inquisitive outlook of "hmmmm, I wonder what else has happened in her life?", but with genuine appreciation for how she overcame every obstacle in her life and made a choice to change her life for the better.
This memoir can be an inspiration to not just people facing the same challenges described in the book, but to anyone facing real obstacles and challenges that come with surviving this thing called life. Great job! I'm just waiting for a part 2! ;-)"
"Sabotage: Recongnize Commitment Phobia and Experience a Healthy Relationship"
—Barnes and Noble, book review October 2017
"Great book Sabotage; Recognize Commitment Phobia and Experience a Healthy Relationship by Johanna Sparrow ... Clever writing... The author did an outstanding job!!! Basically, this is very interesting and it's eye-catching you would be interested in because this kept my interest, and this moved along quite well. I suspended everything I was doing to concentrate on this. The Author did a great and awesome job because the style of writing was very clear and well understood. This is very interesting. I enjoyed this book and would love to read this over and over. I read for the purpose of learning and I think I've learned from “Sabotage”. This piece has really enlightened my understanding.
What really surprised me most about this narration is that I ignored all that I was doing to figure out where the whole write-up is going to end though she never disappointed me because she surpasses my expectation. Reading this piece made me fall in love with “Sabotage” all over again! I got inundated in the story from the earliest starting point and I couldn't put it down until the end. It was a big-time bonus for me. what more can I say than a big thanks to the author. Much oblige to you... Highly Recommend
"A Life of Turmoil: The short stories of Ana Franken 08150017" Review
—Goodreads, book review on November 15, 2017 by Ritah
"It’s hard to imagine that the person who delivered you into this was world — the person you call mother; would be the one capable of tearing you apart: becoming the living, breathing nightmare that drags you to hell and back. What’s worse is your brothers seem to be brainwashed by your mother’s adoration for them that they’d rather stay oblivious to the cruelty inflicted upon you — sometimes even gaining pleasure from it! And father? Well, you’ll just have to grab yourself a copy of the book to find out about him.
Ana Franken, the protagonist of this story finds herself in such a predicament. When reading this story I couldn’t help but think of Poetic Injustice; this innocent unassuming child didn’t deserve that; no child deserves to be treated the way she had been. I had to keep reminding myself that the book was a work of fiction and not really true; the story was narrated in the first point of view which had me going through the motions with the character. There were times I was sad for her and other times angry and disappointed, while I voiced in my head what I would have done. Though if there is anything I’ve learned, is that it is always so easy to say what you could have done until you’re actually placed in the situation: then everything isn’t so clear and easy anymore. The book was well written and even though the main theme was sad; the words spoken by Ana were poetic in some instances. In a story like this, you find that there are characters you’ll sympathize with and ones that will test your very last nerve. I’d recommend this novel to anyone interested in the theme."


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